Elektronik Ekipmanlar
In addition to record’s ingenious mechanics, our complex electronic equipment forms the backbone of our products.
A decisive contribution to the great success of our products is the fact that record is one of the few manufacturers of automatic doors that has designed, developed and produced its control units and sensors in-house. This has enabled them to optimally fit our products already at the planning stage, resulting in perfectly coordinated control logic for our door systems.
Our sensors now do far more than just opening the door when someone approaches it. They detect precisely how fast the person is moving, suppress the opening impulse when, for example, a plant pot is in the sensor’s detection area, and protect vulnerable people from colliding with the approaching door wings.
The record RIC 290 sensor device uses radar and infrared technologies. It is equipped with both a combination of motion and presence detectors that trigger opening and closing operations with a high level of security and reliability. The device actively communicates with the door control, and recognizes persons in the passage area. A light curtain also prevents collisions with the door leaves.
When analyzing its immediate environment, the record RAD 290 motion detector permanently communicates with the control device. The detection field is defined electronically, allowing it to eliminate previously acquired door movements. Time-consuming mechanical fine adjustment of the sensor is thereby eliminated. Also, changes to the field due to temperature differentials are largely uncritical.
The record AIR 290 is an active infrared sensor that generates a narrow light curtain reaching to the floor. The opening impulse is triggered when an object enters the light curtain. This sensor is particularly suitable when only a small field of detection needs to be covered.
For secondary closing edge protection for applications in automatic entrance and door systems, for wall, ceiling or flush installation
The record RC SWING safety sensor is directly mounted on one or both sides of swing door leaves, and functions as ride sensor. Its active infrared light curtain prevents collisions of the door leaf with persons or objects. Thanks to its slim design, it can be easily positioned on the door leaf.
Çalışma modu, BDE-D elektronik uzaktan kumanda kullanılarak sezgisel olarak seçilir; ekranda çeşitli dillerde metin bulunur. Kullanışlı ve kullanıcı dostu BDE-D uzaktan kumanda, açma ve kapama hızları, azaltılmış açılma için açılma genişlikleri, açılma süreleri vb.. gibi uygulamaya özgü kapı parametrelerini ayarlamak veya değiştirmek için de kullanılabilir.
Bakteri ve virüsler çoğunlukla eller yoluyla bulaşır. Mikrop yayıcıya dönüşen bir kapı kolu, özellikle hijyen sektöründeki şirketler için bir sorundur. zararlı olabilecek bakteriler; akıllı telefonlar, alışveriş arabaları, ışık anahtarları veya kapı kolları gibi birçok günlük şeye yapışır.
Temassız butonlar; hastaneler, tıbbi uygulamalar, restoranlar, tuvaletler ve gıda işleme endüstrisi için ideal çözümdür. record BLS 60–Optoelektronik yönlü el-yaklaşım sensörüne yaklaşın ve ellerinizle herhangi bir eşya taşırken ya da telefon kullanırken bile rahatça otomatik kapıyı açın.
Kapıyı kolayca çalıştırmanın yanı sıra, record BLS 60–Optoelektronik yönlü el-yaklaşım sensörü cilt ve sensör arasında hiçbir zaman temas olmadığı için hijyenik kullanım sağlar.